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George Harrison - Hari's on tour (express) - Testi - TrovaCd
George Harrison - Dark Horse (new edition)
George Harrison - Dark Horse




23 settembre 2014

Pop Rock









da verificare


€ 17,40


1.  Hari's on Tour (Express)

Somebody brought the juicer
I thought I'd take a sip
Came off the rails so crazy
My senses took a dip
Before the bottle hit the floor
And I'd had time to think
I was blinded by desire
The elephant turned pink

The rest is simply shady
It's all been done before
But it doesn't make life simple
That's for sure
You may think about a lady
Cause yourself a minor war
And your life won't be so easy anymore

No sooner had I sown it
When I began to reap
I was torn from shallow water
And plunged into the deep
And as I started drowning
I clung onto a straw
That somehow kept me floating
While my madness craved for more

The rest is simply shady
It's all been done and more
But it doesn't make life easy
That's for sure

A pebble in the ocean
Must cause some kind of stir
And witnessed by the silence
Will reach from here to there
The action that I've started
Sometime I'll have to face
My influence in motion
Rebounding back through space

The rest is simply shady
It's all been done before
But it doesn't make life simple
That's for sure
You may think of Sexy Sadie
Let her in through your front door
And your life won't be so easy anymore

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